Hawaii Performing Roller Club
Kulia I Ka Nu'u - "Strive for the Highest"
"The most important thing no one should forget is that this is a hobby and a hobby should be for fun!" ~ Heine Bijker
Along with the 2 major flys, the World Cup Roller Fly and the NBRC National Championship, the Hawaii Performing Roller Club holds a couple club flys during the year.
This coming year, 2014, will see the 1st Annual Don Lopes Memorial Fly being held in January. There will also be a Rookie fly, possibly in February. There are plans to hold the Monster Fly again later this year and hopefully we will have another Futurity Fly for 2014.
It's not all about competing but getting together with other pigeon nuts, having fun and eating some ono food. Maybe we learn something along the way that helps us get our birds to the next level.
Good luck and have fun!!!
Rookie Fly
The club is planning to hold a "Rookie Fly" in March. Anyone with 3 years or less experience is qualified to enter. More info to follow.