Hawaii Performing Roller Club
Kulia I Ka Nu'u - "Strive for the Highest"
"The most important thing no one should forget is that this is a hobby and a hobby should be for fun!" ~ Heine Bijker
A Futurity Fly is a competition where the breeders of these roller pigeons send in their entrants to a Kit Manager who trains and flys the birds as one team. The goal of the Futurity Fly is to recognize the best individual rollers in that group of birds. The birds are flown in a number of flys and are usually panel judged using the NBRC 11 bird fly rules.
The first and most important factor in conducting a Futurity Fly is to locate a Kit Manager. This person is responsible for caring for and training the entrants. The manager needs to have the extra time and space to train the birds for the year. The Kit Manager will set a limit to the number of birds entered and usually limits the number of birds that a breeder can enter. (usually 2 birds max.) They will also set the beginning and ending date for when they will accept the youngbirds.
To enter a bird or birds into the Futurity Fly the breeder pays an entrance fee to reserve their spot in the fly. The fee usually covers the feed and supplies the Kit Manager needs to care for the birds and for the prizes at the end of the fly.
The winner of this competition is the bird with the highest total points that was accumulated during all of the flys. After the final fly the birds are usually auctioned off with a percentage of the winning bid going to the breeder of the bird and a percentage going to the club.
Good luck.
Futurity Fly Archives